cats ... I will never understand
1. Agonize over stainless or plastic dishes. Fork over $$ for stainless. Watch cat lick the bottom of the shower WHILE THE SHOWER IS RUNNING.
2. Buy $$ cat tree to give them a place to play, sleep, hide. Watch cats climb on my shelves, knock everything over, and play (in a stunning role reversal) cat and mouse with the dogs.
3. Try to bathe cat. [Insert your own personal horror story, because it probably happened.] See #1 and watch cat lick the bottom of the shower WHILE THE WATER IS RUNNING.
4. Watch cat stare longingly out doors and windows at The Great Outdoors. Open the door and watch cat run away in a panic.
5. Get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Leave the light off because you're half asleep and would like to keep it that way. Feel something brush against your leg and a pressure on your shoulder. Never sleep again.
I'm not really a cat person. Except when I am.
Photo credit: Photo by Sarah Ball on Unsplash